When you've got an e-mail address and you activate forwarding for it, all inbound e-mails will be sent to a third-party email address of your preference. The e-mail sender won't be aware of this and he will be sending the e-mail just to the original address. This function is useful in case you have numerous Internet sites, each one with a separate email for contact, for example. By forwarding all emails to one email, it will be simpler for you to keep a record and never miss a message as you have neglected to check a particular email. In case you have a business, you are able to use this function to keep track of the communication received by various departments. A further advantage is the fact that it is possible to use an official email address for a number of needs, let’s say admin@your-domain.com, and you can get all of the messages sent to it in your private mailbox. In addition, you can forward e-mail messages from a single email to multiple ones, in case a number of people should be involved with the e-mail communication.
E-mail Forwarding in Cloud Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, that is provided with all the cloud hosting packages, will let you forward any e-mail address in the account to an alternative one easily. You can do this either during the creation of a brand new email address or at any time later on in case you choose that you will need this function. During the process, you will be able to decide if you prefer a duplicate of the email messages to be maintained on the server. In this way, you will have a backup and you'll prevent the probability to lose a message if the forwarding is to an external address, which can be momentarily unavailable. This option can be activated and deactivated at any moment, and when you use e-mails for essential matters, it is best to use it, as no records of the email messages are kept on the server when the option is not active. If you decide that you don't need forwarding anymore, it will take just a click to deactivate it.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Servers
Forwarding an e mail address hosted on our servers can be very effortless in case you have a semi-dedicated server plan with us and it will not take you more than several clicks to create. You can do this from the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and you will be able to keep an eye on the mailboxes which are being forwarded and where your emails are going to with a glance. The option is activated and deactivated for any of the email addresses inside your account. You can also activate or deactivate a handy feature we offer - a backup of the messages being sent through our servers can stay on the server. This way, you'll also have a copy of your incoming e-mail messages and you will not have to worry about loss of any info. If you have this feature deactivated, you run the risk of losing e-mails should there be a problem with the remote mailbox.